Thursday, December 31, 2009


今天去嘉慧家,还蛮好玩的^^他又教我数学了,真是辛苦你了。。。lp~~~之前觉得中三的数学(第三科)难,现在都克服了。。。真的好感谢我的lp哦~~~muackz 之后我们还吃冰淇淋了。。。蛮棒的!然后我们就跳下水了,哈哈~~~因为我lp,所以认识了两位新朋友--俊杰和汉伟。。。我们玩到还蛮疯狂的。。。赫赫~~~ 又是超高兴的一天!

晚上的时候,al还来我家玩rule of rose。。。我们终于打完了!Yeahoooooooooo!!!幸好有他们两位填满了我一整天的节目,我才没那么闷呢~~~ 今天不懂吃错什么?!一直拉肚子,真惨,但也很痛啊!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

School Days Around The Corner

Oh My GOD!!! School days coming soon and the PMR also around the corner. I must fight hard for next year cause I want to same class with my lg and lp~~~ HAIZZzzz... I feel weird recently and I don't know how to explain this kind of feeling... I hope the recess time with form4 because of him, but I feel scared to see him at school and I don't know why?!

I don't understand why he doesn't want me to know his result. I already asked him many times, but still he never reply... Just now saw the photos that he took, I realised he takes a lot of photo of one girl... I felt jealous because of that girl and I really want to ask him who is she?! But it can't and it won't possile to happen cause I am not special to him... Sometimes his words and action will make me feel jealous, but he doesn't know. Even though he knows, I think it's useless cause he surely won't change for me... 

It's been a long time that I didn't chat with lk, this is the first time. Normally he will find me or I find him, but tthis time we didn't find each other. Hope he won't feel sad because of the incident that he won't tell me so far. I really hate and scare to see a friend has a sad face or sad emotion in front of me...

Sunday, December 27, 2009


终于等到跟kim, kim's sis还有no.3 lp去云顶了。。。超开心的!我们聊了很多的天,但kim's sis看起来还蛮闷的。。。抱歉咯~~~可惜的是难得lp买票,但天气很不给面子,一直下雨。。。HAIZZzzz~~~ 但还好有带到lp去玩一点咯,毕竟他第一次来咧。。。我们玩到还蛮疯的,但最不爽的就是遇到一位肥佬,跟一位四眼仔(他们两个超讨人厌的)一想到,恨不得把他们折磨致死。。。赫赫

玩到累了,饿了。。。当然是去吃晚餐咯(KFC) 我和kim还蛮能吃的。。。赫赫!过后,lp说他很闷,想出去走走。。。我担心的事发生了,lp迷路了。。。我们就去找他,当然有找到啦,然后又去玩了。。。大概到了一点多,我们去starbuck买咖啡喝^^ 不久lp的爸爸打电话来,有点吓到我>< 他一开口就问我,我爸妈在哪里?!那时的我有点慌,就只好撒了一个谎。。。抱歉咯,uncle。。。那时我不明白为什么您一开口就问我这种问题,还有将夜才送lp回家,真的对不起。。。但lp真的一直跟我们在一起,别担心^^

那天的我是一直笑的,我好喜欢~~~ 自从初中一那件事以后,我就很久都没有这样的感觉了,也很久没这样一整天都是笑哈哈的。。。kim, lp很感谢你们哦~~~帮我找回了我已经失去很久的真心笑容。。。同时让我感觉到我还有朋友是可以真心信任,不会背叛我的真心朋友~~~谢谢你们!

回到家,大概已经是第二天的早上四点~~~ 但我还是很精神,冲了凉就更精神了。。。开msn时,发现他已经睡了。。。他每天都开到很夜很夜,加上他之前又发烧。。。我都好担心哦~~~但这次我感到安心了,因为他已经去找周公玩了,而且也是第二次我比他迟睡了^^


Performance Of Social Dance

Today is my first time to perform social dance and today is christmas too. I danced with partner and I will be the boy, she will be the girl as always. haha~~~ I lead my partner, of course. I think we danced quite well cause we danced with the music and danced without any mistake. I felt happy for that.

Beside that, there had a lot of performance too. It's was wonderful and we clapped with our hands loudly. The performances were going well as always and the christmas party was fun. By the way, I had a lot of fun but my parents felt bored at there. haha 

Friday, December 25, 2009


今天是一年一度的平安夜。通常一个普通人都回开开心心地庆祝圣诞,但我却。。。早上时,我还蛮开心的。我还煮了意大利面当早餐,还边吃边看戏呢。。。大概五点左右,我还去练舞了,练了两个小时左右吧。。。有点累和辛苦,但还蛮好玩的^^ 晚上时,当然是跟我父母去吃晚餐咯~~~但我还蛮惨的,吃到一半既然胃痛> < 还好没到很严重啦。。。Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell! Merry Christmas! 终于熬到十二点了,就朋友传简讯,msn到乱。。哈哈~~~

ys找我聊,聊聊下~~~又聊到了我的感情世界和sl他们。。。不知怎么搞得,我突然有点不开心>< ys既然问我关于告白的事,但我没有如实回答。。。有时我真的恨不得马上转去别的学校,但我回想一下,那我的朋友怎么办?!同时也觉得这是逃避的行为,不好也不喜欢!我不想再让佩元跟sl他们伤害我,只好撒了一个谎。。。对不起,ys

找lk聊时,觉得他有点不对劲,但也或许是我多心吧。。。lk第一次回得这么短,但我也没多问什么。。。毕竟那时候的我,也不是很开心。。。有一次我应该是太关心他了,结果被他反问为什么我会这么关心他。。。我答他,因为你是我的朋友,没为什么。。。他有一次还跟我开玩笑说:“不要跟你讲太多心事,非是我会爱上你。”我回他:“怎么可能?!你都知道我有喜欢的人了啦”有时我在想是否真的太关心lk了,但我也想关心他啊~~~ 他又不像lk会分享自己的事情,但他却不会。。。 

我msn了他4,5次。。。他始终还是没回我,但大概到了2,3点他既然跟我说了:“MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!” 但我并没有回他。。。连我自己都没想过,我会不回他~~~老实说,对于这一点连我自己都感到惊讶= =" 有一阵子他发烧了,虽然不是很高,但还是有点担心。。。幸亏过了一,两天他终于康复了^^ 他每次玩电脑到很夜很夜,只有一次是我比他更夜的,就只有那么一次了。。。不知道开学时,我要怎样面对他?!毕竟我跟他说了。。。虽然失败了,但我觉得那时候太急了。。。现在我想从朋友开始,顺其自然,但绝对不会再有第二次的告白了。。。。。。

The Longest Vacation In This Year[2009]

Since a month, I didn't come here to write my blog. When I felt sadness, I will come here to write my blog normally. I thought I not need to come here again, but still it failed...

During the holiday, I am quite happy even though sometimes it's bored, sad, excited and more. The happiest stuff is finally I told him, but rejected by him. Actually it's quite sad for that, yet at the same time I felt relief too. I realised I can talk to him easily and I am not feel nervous at all.

By the way, I always at home playing my video games, watching dvd and more. Of course. Sometimes I also went out with my friends and go to the dancing class as always. haha~~~ My parents are not taking me to anywhere during this holiday, but we ate a lot of delicious food. It's really make me want to have another try.