今天去嘉慧家,还蛮好玩的^^他又教我数学了,真是辛苦你了。。。lp~~~之前觉得中三的数学(第三科)难,现在都克服了。。。真的好感谢我的lp哦~~~muackz 之后我们还吃冰淇淋了。。。蛮棒的!然后我们就跳下水了,哈哈~~~因为我lp,所以认识了两位新朋友--俊杰和汉伟。。。我们玩到还蛮疯狂的。。。赫赫~~~ 又是超高兴的一天!
晚上的时候,al还来我家玩rule of rose。。。我们终于打完了!Yeahoooooooooo!!!幸好有他们两位填满了我一整天的节目,我才没那么闷呢~~~ 今天不懂吃错什么?!一直拉肚子,真惨,但也很痛啊!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
School Days Around The Corner
Oh My GOD!!! School days coming soon and the PMR also around the corner. I must fight hard for next year cause I want to same class with my lg and lp~~~ HAIZZzzz... I feel weird recently and I don't know how to explain this kind of feeling... I hope the recess time with form4 because of him, but I feel scared to see him at school and I don't know why?!
I don't understand why he doesn't want me to know his result. I already asked him many times, but still he never reply... Just now saw the photos that he took, I realised he takes a lot of photo of one girl... I felt jealous because of that girl and I really want to ask him who is she?! But it can't and it won't possile to happen cause I am not special to him... Sometimes his words and action will make me feel jealous, but he doesn't know. Even though he knows, I think it's useless cause he surely won't change for me...
It's been a long time that I didn't chat with lk, this is the first time. Normally he will find me or I find him, but tthis time we didn't find each other. Hope he won't feel sad because of the incident that he won't tell me so far. I really hate and scare to see a friend has a sad face or sad emotion in front of me...
I don't understand why he doesn't want me to know his result. I already asked him many times, but still he never reply... Just now saw the photos that he took, I realised he takes a lot of photo of one girl... I felt jealous because of that girl and I really want to ask him who is she?! But it can't and it won't possile to happen cause I am not special to him... Sometimes his words and action will make me feel jealous, but he doesn't know. Even though he knows, I think it's useless cause he surely won't change for me...
It's been a long time that I didn't chat with lk, this is the first time. Normally he will find me or I find him, but tthis time we didn't find each other. Hope he won't feel sad because of the incident that he won't tell me so far. I really hate and scare to see a friend has a sad face or sad emotion in front of me...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
终于等到跟kim, kim's sis还有no.3 lp去云顶了。。。超开心的!我们聊了很多的天,但kim's sis看起来还蛮闷的。。。抱歉咯~~~可惜的是难得lp买票,但天气很不给面子,一直下雨。。。HAIZZzzz~~~ 但还好有带到lp去玩一点咯,毕竟他第一次来咧。。。我们玩到还蛮疯的,但最不爽的就是遇到一位肥佬,跟一位四眼仔(他们两个超讨人厌的)一想到,恨不得把他们折磨致死。。。赫赫
玩到累了,饿了。。。当然是去吃晚餐咯(KFC) 我和kim还蛮能吃的。。。赫赫!过后,lp说他很闷,想出去走走。。。我担心的事发生了,lp迷路了。。。我们就去找他,当然有找到啦,然后又去玩了。。。大概到了一点多,我们去starbuck买咖啡喝^^ 不久lp的爸爸打电话来,有点吓到我>< 他一开口就问我,我爸妈在哪里?!那时的我有点慌,就只好撒了一个谎。。。抱歉咯,uncle。。。那时我不明白为什么您一开口就问我这种问题,还有将夜才送lp回家,真的对不起。。。但lp真的一直跟我们在一起,别担心^^
那天的我是一直笑的,我好喜欢~~~ 自从初中一那件事以后,我就很久都没有这样的感觉了,也很久没这样一整天都是笑哈哈的。。。kim, lp很感谢你们哦~~~帮我找回了我已经失去很久的真心笑容。。。同时让我感觉到我还有朋友是可以真心信任,不会背叛我的真心朋友~~~谢谢你们!
回到家,大概已经是第二天的早上四点~~~ 但我还是很精神,冲了凉就更精神了。。。开msn时,发现他已经睡了。。。他每天都开到很夜很夜,加上他之前又发烧。。。我都好担心哦~~~但这次我感到安心了,因为他已经去找周公玩了,而且也是第二次我比他迟睡了^^
玩到累了,饿了。。。当然是去吃晚餐咯(KFC) 我和kim还蛮能吃的。。。赫赫!过后,lp说他很闷,想出去走走。。。我担心的事发生了,lp迷路了。。。我们就去找他,当然有找到啦,然后又去玩了。。。大概到了一点多,我们去starbuck买咖啡喝^^ 不久lp的爸爸打电话来,有点吓到我>< 他一开口就问我,我爸妈在哪里?!那时的我有点慌,就只好撒了一个谎。。。抱歉咯,uncle。。。那时我不明白为什么您一开口就问我这种问题,还有将夜才送lp回家,真的对不起。。。但lp真的一直跟我们在一起,别担心^^
那天的我是一直笑的,我好喜欢~~~ 自从初中一那件事以后,我就很久都没有这样的感觉了,也很久没这样一整天都是笑哈哈的。。。kim, lp很感谢你们哦~~~帮我找回了我已经失去很久的真心笑容。。。同时让我感觉到我还有朋友是可以真心信任,不会背叛我的真心朋友~~~谢谢你们!
回到家,大概已经是第二天的早上四点~~~ 但我还是很精神,冲了凉就更精神了。。。开msn时,发现他已经睡了。。。他每天都开到很夜很夜,加上他之前又发烧。。。我都好担心哦~~~但这次我感到安心了,因为他已经去找周公玩了,而且也是第二次我比他迟睡了^^
Performance Of Social Dance
Today is my first time to perform social dance and today is christmas too. I danced with partner and I will be the boy, she will be the girl as always. haha~~~ I lead my partner, of course. I think we danced quite well cause we danced with the music and danced without any mistake. I felt happy for that.
Beside that, there had a lot of performance too. It's was wonderful and we clapped with our hands loudly. The performances were going well as always and the christmas party was fun. By the way, I had a lot of fun but my parents felt bored at there. haha
Beside that, there had a lot of performance too. It's was wonderful and we clapped with our hands loudly. The performances were going well as always and the christmas party was fun. By the way, I had a lot of fun but my parents felt bored at there. haha
Friday, December 25, 2009
今天是一年一度的平安夜。通常一个普通人都回开开心心地庆祝圣诞,但我却。。。早上时,我还蛮开心的。我还煮了意大利面当早餐,还边吃边看戏呢。。。大概五点左右,我还去练舞了,练了两个小时左右吧。。。有点累和辛苦,但还蛮好玩的^^ 晚上时,当然是跟我父母去吃晚餐咯~~~但我还蛮惨的,吃到一半既然胃痛> < 还好没到很严重啦。。。Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell! Merry Christmas! 终于熬到十二点了,就朋友传简讯,msn到乱。。哈哈~~~
ys找我聊,聊聊下~~~又聊到了我的感情世界和sl他们。。。不知怎么搞得,我突然有点不开心>< ys既然问我关于告白的事,但我没有如实回答。。。有时我真的恨不得马上转去别的学校,但我回想一下,那我的朋友怎么办?!同时也觉得这是逃避的行为,不好也不喜欢!我不想再让佩元跟sl他们伤害我,只好撒了一个谎。。。对不起,ys
找lk聊时,觉得他有点不对劲,但也或许是我多心吧。。。lk第一次回得这么短,但我也没多问什么。。。毕竟那时候的我,也不是很开心。。。有一次我应该是太关心他了,结果被他反问为什么我会这么关心他。。。我答他,因为你是我的朋友,没为什么。。。他有一次还跟我开玩笑说:“不要跟你讲太多心事,非是我会爱上你。”我回他:“怎么可能?!你都知道我有喜欢的人了啦”有时我在想是否真的太关心lk了,但我也想关心他啊~~~ 他又不像lk会分享自己的事情,但他却不会。。。
我msn了他4,5次。。。他始终还是没回我,但大概到了2,3点他既然跟我说了:“MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!” 但我并没有回他。。。连我自己都没想过,我会不回他~~~老实说,对于这一点连我自己都感到惊讶= =" 有一阵子他发烧了,虽然不是很高,但还是有点担心。。。幸亏过了一,两天他终于康复了^^ 他每次玩电脑到很夜很夜,只有一次是我比他更夜的,就只有那么一次了。。。不知道开学时,我要怎样面对他?!毕竟我跟他说了。。。虽然失败了,但我觉得那时候太急了。。。现在我想从朋友开始,顺其自然,但绝对不会再有第二次的告白了。。。。。。
ys找我聊,聊聊下~~~又聊到了我的感情世界和sl他们。。。不知怎么搞得,我突然有点不开心>< ys既然问我关于告白的事,但我没有如实回答。。。有时我真的恨不得马上转去别的学校,但我回想一下,那我的朋友怎么办?!同时也觉得这是逃避的行为,不好也不喜欢!我不想再让佩元跟sl他们伤害我,只好撒了一个谎。。。对不起,ys
找lk聊时,觉得他有点不对劲,但也或许是我多心吧。。。lk第一次回得这么短,但我也没多问什么。。。毕竟那时候的我,也不是很开心。。。有一次我应该是太关心他了,结果被他反问为什么我会这么关心他。。。我答他,因为你是我的朋友,没为什么。。。他有一次还跟我开玩笑说:“不要跟你讲太多心事,非是我会爱上你。”我回他:“怎么可能?!你都知道我有喜欢的人了啦”有时我在想是否真的太关心lk了,但我也想关心他啊~~~ 他又不像lk会分享自己的事情,但他却不会。。。
我msn了他4,5次。。。他始终还是没回我,但大概到了2,3点他既然跟我说了:“MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!” 但我并没有回他。。。连我自己都没想过,我会不回他~~~老实说,对于这一点连我自己都感到惊讶= =" 有一阵子他发烧了,虽然不是很高,但还是有点担心。。。幸亏过了一,两天他终于康复了^^ 他每次玩电脑到很夜很夜,只有一次是我比他更夜的,就只有那么一次了。。。不知道开学时,我要怎样面对他?!毕竟我跟他说了。。。虽然失败了,但我觉得那时候太急了。。。现在我想从朋友开始,顺其自然,但绝对不会再有第二次的告白了。。。。。。
The Longest Vacation In This Year[2009]
During the holiday, I am quite happy even though sometimes it's bored, sad, excited and more. The happiest stuff is finally I told him, but rejected by him. Actually it's quite sad for that, yet at the same time I felt relief too. I realised I can talk to him easily and I am not feel nervous at all.
By the way, I always at home playing my video games, watching dvd and more. Of course. Sometimes I also went out with my friends and go to the dancing class as always. haha~~~ My parents are not taking me to anywhere during this holiday, but we ate a lot of delicious food. It's really make me want to have another try.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
ts好贼哦~~~既然坐在庭的柱子旁边。。。他又不是不知道他自己有多瘦,他坐在那儿,他那些朋友,还有那个又大又厚的柱子,都挡着他了。。。害我看不到>< 多亏clk叫我过去,才知道原来他今天有来学校。。。感谢他叫我过去,看到ts,心情好多了。。。赫赫
ts好贼哦~~~既然坐在庭的柱子旁边。。。他又不是不知道他自己有多瘦,他坐在那儿,他那些朋友,还有那个又大又厚的柱子,都挡着他了。。。害我看不到>< 多亏clk叫我过去,才知道原来他今天有来学校。。。感谢他叫我过去,看到ts,心情好多了。。。赫赫
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Final Test Day
Today, I slept late... HAIZZzzz~~Luckily, I didn't late to school, thanks for my father...haha~~ Today was also the final exam first day, the first subject was chinese. Paper1 is quite difficult... During the paper2, it's quite ok. I wrote 460words in the passage, but still lacked of ideas to write~~~ [Hope get A] GAMBARTEH!!!!!!!
He really came to school for today, I am so glad that he didn't cheat me. When I saw him at school, I was so happy, but he is cool as always. HAIZzzzz~~~ Hated clk!!! Said ts spec and my spec looked same, luckily shuyen helped me... if not, my face gonna as red as tomato again. But still, he igonored me again...
I won't give up easily~~~~hehehe...GO! GO! GO! Fight for him!
He really came to school for today, I am so glad that he didn't cheat me. When I saw him at school, I was so happy, but he is cool as always. HAIZzzzz~~~ Hated clk!!! Said ts spec and my spec looked same, luckily shuyen helped me... if not, my face gonna as red as tomato again. But still, he igonored me again...
I won't give up easily~~~~hehehe...GO! GO! GO! Fight for him!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Met Old Friend
I went back to my primary school[sjk(c)chung kwo] with kimberly... I am so happy, cause I met my old classmates... Kimberly and me ate variety of delicious food and drank a lot of coconut...hahaha
I met most of the 6K students[2007] at there, we chatted and played... I visited my primary school, nothing change at all...haha
I met most of the 6K students[2007] at there, we chatted and played... I visited my primary school, nothing change at all...haha
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
An Isomnious Night
When I read an e-mail sent by clk, my tears were coming out from my eyes. I didn't have any confidence to tell him, my true feeling at the moment. I felt like I must not tell him my true feeling never and ever. When he is online, I was so happy and excited, yet I don't know what kind of topic to chat with him. When I saw him good to a girl, my heart was full of jealous. One day, I hope he knows my feeling by his own... Now, I really can't sleep... If can I want to cry now...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
最近在学校的心情,还算不错。。。^^看到他,心情也变好很多~~~但只要他在附近,我就很害羞,而且我发觉我自己越来越不敢正视他>_<. 终于有他的msn了,可以跟他聊天。。。好笑的是他今天才知道,"liyen"跟"aunty"其实是同一个人。。哈哈!我真的好羡慕他,既然可以跟朋友一起弄一个网站[http://klren.com.my]而且还蛮好玩的。。。好希望可以跟他有进一步的发展。。。^_^
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Vanessa's Birthday Party
That day, I bought a tiramisu cake to vanessa secretly. After I arrived Time Square, I called to dicklin and two of us thinking where should we cut the cake. Unfortunately, vanessa saw me at downstairs. Dicklin and me played "hide and seek" with vanessa. But still, she found us and she hugged me with her suprised face. By the way, dicklin and me planned this planing 2 weeks ago. When I appeared, vanessa's heart was full of touching at the moment (she almost wanted to cry XD)
By the way, kuo koon, ryan, lim and jianli at there too. So, we cut the cake at Mc.Donald but we didn't buy any drinks or food...hahaha! Actually, I am the one who really suprised jl was going to the party!_! I thought he was not going because of something?_? Then, we seperated (girls with girls, boys with boys). We went to Sungai Wang for shopping, by the way we also met weihan shopping with her friends.
When we walked back to Time Square, don't know what kind of worker ask us donate some money. One of them introduced the function to me but I hated him very much!!! When he heard vanessa and me spoke in English, he said we were so "high class"?! Why doesn't he think this is a common lauguage!? He said I was cute because of my red face, I am fine with that. Then, he's keep touching my face, closing to me. He asked me, did I have a bf? I hated those actions that he did to me and it made me felt sick, even though my ex-bf also hasn't touch my face before!!! MISTER! THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS WHETHER I HAVE A BF OR NOT!!!
That day, I bought a tiramisu cake to vanessa secretly. After I arrived Time Square, I called to dicklin and two of us thinking where should we cut the cake. Unfortunately, vanessa saw me at downstairs. Dicklin and me played "hide and seek" with vanessa. But still, she found us and she hugged me with her suprised face. By the way, dicklin and me planned this planing 2 weeks ago. When I appeared, vanessa's heart was full of touching at the moment (she almost wanted to cry XD)
By the way, kuo koon, ryan, lim and jianli at there too. So, we cut the cake at Mc.Donald but we didn't buy any drinks or food...hahaha! Actually, I am the one who really suprised jl was going to the party!_! I thought he was not going because of something?_? Then, we seperated (girls with girls, boys with boys). We went to Sungai Wang for shopping, by the way we also met weihan shopping with her friends.
When we walked back to Time Square, don't know what kind of worker ask us donate some money. One of them introduced the function to me but I hated him very much!!! When he heard vanessa and me spoke in English, he said we were so "high class"?! Why doesn't he think this is a common lauguage!? He said I was cute because of my red face, I am fine with that. Then, he's keep touching my face, closing to me. He asked me, did I have a bf? I hated those actions that he did to me and it made me felt sick, even though my ex-bf also hasn't touch my face before!!! MISTER! THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS WHETHER I HAVE A BF OR NOT!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
今天ts又没来上课了,都快要pmr了,还常缺课><。。。好想问他,为什么昨天脸特别黑??!但又不敢,心情真复杂。。。看到你脸将黑,想跟你说一些东西,都没勇气了~~~好心你笑多一点啦~~~ xp
Friday, September 4, 2009
Feeling Of School Days
The first school day I was absent because of sick, but I felt happy. The reason is I not need to see someone that I afraid. Haiz.... At the same time, I also can't see him because of absent. Vanessa told me, he was absent too on that day. The next day I came school but can't see him at school. Finally, he came school the next day. I felt happy and good mood all the day..^_^
During the recess time, I was having breakfast with my friends. I forgot what does meiling said after her words, I wanted to laugh but my mouth was full of food. If I laugh....... I can't imagine what will happen next. Therefore, I forced myself don't laugh and ask meiling stop to make me laugh. Unfortunately, TS was passing beside us. He laughed to me while he was walking. Haizzzz.... I felt happy at the moment, but timid. Today, I asked kar wei, is it the best choice that I tell him my true feeling? Kar Wei disagree because she scare that I will get hurt. Haizzz~~~~~~
Haiz... History teacher(Pn. Harlina) changed places. Of course I am one of those "lucky persons". Actually, I feel quite happy at the moment because I not need sit near by the person that I fear. Of course, some of my friends were crying and angry. Jia Wen was crying on that day because of the teacher changed her place in front of the teacher seat and all Indian and Penjabi were sit around her. These days, she was cutting her hand and crying. I felt sad to her and I can felt the deeply painful in my heart. Beside that, she was begging me with tears to help her to ask the permission to change back her original place. I saw lonely and desperation in her eyes, although she said she will cut her hand if I fail the mission. But still I was so pity of her at the moment, even though she said like that to me.I am so scare not because of her threaten, it's because of me. I really scare my mission fail. I scare that I can't help her.
Hmmm....... How should I choose? Tell him my true feeling? Keep as a secret forever or let the fate choose?>_< I hope the GOD bless me to success my promise and the FATE give me the best answer.
During the recess time, I was having breakfast with my friends. I forgot what does meiling said after her words, I wanted to laugh but my mouth was full of food. If I laugh....... I can't imagine what will happen next. Therefore, I forced myself don't laugh and ask meiling stop to make me laugh. Unfortunately, TS was passing beside us. He laughed to me while he was walking. Haizzzz.... I felt happy at the moment, but timid. Today, I asked kar wei, is it the best choice that I tell him my true feeling? Kar Wei disagree because she scare that I will get hurt. Haizzz~~~~~~
Haiz... History teacher(Pn. Harlina) changed places. Of course I am one of those "lucky persons". Actually, I feel quite happy at the moment because I not need sit near by the person that I fear. Of course, some of my friends were crying and angry. Jia Wen was crying on that day because of the teacher changed her place in front of the teacher seat and all Indian and Penjabi were sit around her. These days, she was cutting her hand and crying. I felt sad to her and I can felt the deeply painful in my heart. Beside that, she was begging me with tears to help her to ask the permission to change back her original place. I saw lonely and desperation in her eyes, although she said she will cut her hand if I fail the mission. But still I was so pity of her at the moment, even though she said like that to me.I am so scare not because of her threaten, it's because of me. I really scare my mission fail. I scare that I can't help her.
Hmmm....... How should I choose? Tell him my true feeling? Keep as a secret forever or let the fate choose?>_< I hope the GOD bless me to success my promise and the FATE give me the best answer.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
8月29日,vanessa, vanessa's brother还有我一起去打篮球了(虽然本人球技很烂啦~)哈哈!!!我们打得还算满开心的...然后,vanessa找到了我超想要看到的人的照片。。。我超开心的^^
过后,我和kim还有她超可爱的妹妹还一起去唱k(简直high翻天了),而且还遇到我妹(ai leen)和嘉雯她们。。。
除此之外,我,kar wei还有她帅气的弟弟在theme park一起玩完所有刺激性的东西,例如说跳楼机。。。说到这儿,我还满佩服kar wei的。。。她第一次玩,可是她并不说很怕哦~~~佩服!佩服!佩服!
8月29日,vanessa, vanessa's brother还有我一起去打篮球了(虽然本人球技很烂啦~)哈哈!!!我们打得还算满开心的...然后,vanessa找到了我超想要看到的人的照片。。。我超开心的^^
过后,我和kim还有她超可爱的妹妹还一起去唱k(简直high翻天了),而且还遇到我妹(ai leen)和嘉雯她们。。。
除此之外,我,kar wei还有她帅气的弟弟在theme park一起玩完所有刺激性的东西,例如说跳楼机。。。说到这儿,我还满佩服kar wei的。。。她第一次玩,可是她并不说很怕哦~~~佩服!佩服!佩服!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
such a relief...
Oh my god! The doctor told me my dog is healthy but need to get some rest. When I heard the good news, my heart was flying in the sky. Before I heard the news, my feeling was deeply down and worry of my dog. I remember that day I was can't sleep at all until the next morning. Now, I felt such a relief... HURRAY!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hello! I created my own blog first time.
Why he always absent? I felt sad when I can't
saw him at school. Today is the last school day, I can't see him a week. Haizzzz....I am scaring some of my classmates recently. I don't knw who is true to me, such a confuse?! We're doing wood work today, it's quite happy to me. I helped shern lynn cut off the wood, then she said me "MAN" and "STRONG" ~Does she
thinks is it suit to say a girl "MAN" and "STRONG"?!..... =="
During that period, I realized jian li and kuan yu
quite man when they were cutting the wood, by the way the period finished and they ran back to class[Didn't
help girls to clean up the bengkel]><"
Jaz cheated me, he told me that he'll come to school
today but he was absent!!?? HaiZzzz...... the cheater!!! He also owe me an album since January...=="That's all for today... see you next time^^
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