Saturday, December 17, 2011


在孤独的夜晚里,我与凄美的旋律作为伴侣。音符的律动随着我悲鸣的叹气在我耳朵中徘徊,在那儿来来去去,不肯离开。心中的想法想脱口而出,却被我用一条无法解开的锁链紧紧套住。锁头在哪里?我不知道。钥匙在哪里?早就被我埋在深渊的心里,深得无论再怎样用力地去挖,都找不到。。。为什么父母总认为音乐家,蛋糕师等等都是学历不好的学生呢?难道永远只有“师”字牌的才是所谓的“知识人”?如果是这样,为什么父母要把含辛茹苦赚来的金钱送孩子们学这个学那个呢?不只是自己屈服在疲劳之下,连你们的心肝宝贝也受皮肉之苦。最后,你们却判断那不是“知识人”的职业,试问这样既费神又花费的才艺,却换来被你们弄得一文不值的结果。甘心吗?值得吗?不甘心也不值得。你们知道吗,对我们这些孩子们来说,有时候手艺并不只是单纯的手艺而已,它亦可以变成我们生命中不可或缺的一部分。其实并不是每个小孩都想当什么律师,老师,会计师之类的人物啊。偶尔也有一小部分的人想成为音乐家,室内设计师的人物。虽然并不是什么最会赚钱的人物,但也是一位有贡献的人士。正所谓:行行出状元,职业五分贵贱。凡事不去试试是不永远都不会知道事物的结果,而且人生并不像音乐播放机一样可以无数次地重复的播放,听腻了,去把cd换掉,就好了。但人生只有一次,青春也只有一次,初恋永远也只可以经历一次,无论你是有钱人或贫穷人。 爸爸,妈妈。。。有时候请你们慷慨地把手放开,让我们活出自我的人生,好吗?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Night With Book

Something happened tonight. Something 's really special and unique, you might see it once in your life or you would never see it like some people who never saw the sun rise like me. One of my friend did ask me to go out and look up at the starry night. I didn't go out and ignored him too. In fact, I chose to continue lying on the bed and reading my favourite book. After I enjoyed reading the amazing novel( you're the apple of my eye), I took a short time to clean myself. I felt fresh and comfortable like breathing in some fresh air at the top of Himalaya Mountain and witnessed the raising of the eye of heaven. Back to the book, it was  more easy to understand than those english books I used to read or maybe I was not good enough in understanding the language. The book writer was excellent in describing the situation he used to experience somehow the way he wrote was kinda rude sometimes. The book was talking about school life, love, friendship and more. It wasn't a fiction but a reality life of the writer.
After I signed in to my facebook account, I saw something about the changes of moon which was going to happend tonight. However, I interested in reading the book and imagined the scene rather than going out to see the moon. Soon, I sat on a chair which was made of wood and pillow as my fingers were jumping here and there on the keyboard. I wish to write more but it's time to move out for heading to the dreamland. So, good night and hope to see the one I'm waiting for in the dreamland.

Friday, December 9, 2011


